IAC chapter 26, will be celebrating National Aerobatics Day with a chapter practice day.

WHERE: General William J. Fox Airfield (KWJF) Lancaster, California.
Open to all IAC members in Southern California, we'll start at 10:00am and fly until people need to go home. Foxy's Landing will be open for lunch. Transient parking is in front of the terminal.
Mike Hartenstine will be running the show in our 500' lower limit marked box at Fox's Class D airspace.
Judge Barrett Hines will be on hand to grade any pilots wanting to fly for Smooth Patches (IAC Achievement Awards). We will have the forms printed out and figures available to study. Plan to do this in the afternoon.
If you are new to the IAC and just want to come out, meet people and maybe fly in a box, please do. This event is not limited to only competition pilots.
For questions, contact Susan Bell at pres@iacchapter26.org or Mike at treas@iacchapter26.org.