The diagram below shows the waivered airspace agreed to by the Salina Airport Authority,
the ATC Tower and the FAA.
Some Common questions for the public and participants:
1. Can I bring a dog to the event? Yes, but they must be kept on a leash and you must clean up after them.
2. Can I go out to the Judges' line? Only contest participants who are assigned as a Judge, Assistant Judge or Recorder may go to the Judge's line.
3. Can I come out onto the Ramp? Only contest participants are allowed on the ramp area and only if they are lining up to fly or are working with the Starter team.
4. May I smoke? There is No Smoking allowed inside the fenced areas surrounding the event hangar.
5. Can I attend the pilot flight briefings? Only pilots, judge line volunteers and officials are allowed at briefings.
6. What if I lose or find something? Take the item or ask about an item at Registration in Hangar 509.
Hangar 509 is located on Arnold Ave next to the ATC. This is the main event hangar for the contest.
Car Parking is designated around the outside perimeter of the hangar parking lot.
There are two spots allocated to food vendors (blue squares). The vendors are there to provide meals for the participants, volunteers and officials during the contest.