The IAC has been providing speakers to present material online for the EAA webinar series since June 2011. IAC member involvement in the EAA webinars brings added value to the EAA webinar series as a club, sharing valuable information about unusual attitude flying and gaining some exposure for the IAC as part of the EAA. Listen in today!
Interested in giving a webinar? Contact Lorrie Penner [at]
Supported by Aircraft Spruce & Specialty Co.
International Aerobatics Day was on June 22. If you were unable to celebrate at an IAC chapter event in person, celebrate aerobatics with us online with some of our favorite archived webinars.
Archived Webinar - Making Friends with a SukhoiJoin Wes Liu, an IAC judge, as he shares his journey transitioning from a Pitts S-2A biplane to a Sukhoi Su-26 monoplane with a radial engine. From first flight in this new-to-him airplane through flying aerobatics, Wes shares some tips and lessons learned during this transition process. Tune in and learn all about his process to safely transition into this new aerobatic airplane. Qualifies for FAA WINGS credit. EAA Archives link |
On demand for International Aerobatics Day
Basic Through Advanced Maneuvers Training
Mike Lents, U.S. Advanced aerobatic team member, discusses basic through advanced aerobatic maneuvering. Join in and learn about perfecting a roll, the ideal competition spin, and handling botched maneuvers. Watch HERE
Aerobatics in your RV
RV-8 owner Ron Schreck discusses flying aerobatics in air shows, competition, or just for fun. He speaks on how to equip your RV for aerobatics, maneuvers, and safety. Watch HERE
Recreational Aerobatics: The Basics
International Aerobatics Club member and Master CFI-Aerobatic, Gordon Penner discusses how to do safe, gentle aerobatics whether or not your aircraft has an inverted fuel/oil system Watch HERE.
Behind the Visor - Flying Aerobatics with Jim Bourke
Hear from the IAC president and competition aerobatic pilot Jim Bourke about how he got into aerobatics and how his passion turned into more than just a hobby. Watch HERE
IAC Aerobatic Center Highlights from AirVenture 2023
Sport Aerobatics editor, Lorrie Penner and IAC AirVenture Chairman Jordan Ashley will share photos of arriving aerobatic aircraft, and other fun experiences from around the IAC Aerobatic Center during AirVenture 2023.
Missed this webinar? You can watch it in the EAA Archives: LINK
International Aerobatics Day was held on June 24, 2023 in continuation of last two years successful events There was a wide variety of events including practice days, competitions, barbecues, community gatherings, static displays of aerobatic aircraft and seminars.
We celebrated online in the week leading up Aerobatics Day with some of our favorite archived webinars.
Archived | Jim Bourke, IAC President | Your First Aerobatic Plane | Jim discusses considerations in choosing the right aerobatic plane for you. His presentation will include answers to this common question: What is a good aerobatic aircraft to step into that won't be too limiting or boring too quickly, but also not too overwhelming to start in? LINK to Archive HERE | |
Archived | Gordon Penner MCFI-A, FAA Gold Seal Instructor | How to Celebrate International Aerobatics Day |
Record on June 20, 2023 - Gordon discusses how to get started in aerobatic or unusual attitude training. LINK to Archive HERE
Archived | Susan Bell, IAC Chapter 26 President and competitor | Competition 101 | Susan will present a beginner's guide to the sport, no prior knowledge required. She'll dive into the aerobatic competition, including the Aresti language, basic rules and concepts, and the aerobatic box. Learn how to get involved with IAC, whether you're interested in flying inverted or not. LINK to Archive HERE | |
Archived | Patty Wagstaff, IAC member, 3-time US National Aerobatic Champion | Flying Aerobatics with Patty Wagstaff | This Sporty's Pilot Shop YouTube video was recorded on June 14. Improve your skills as a pilot with Patty Wagstaff on this fun and educational presentation on what it takes to get started and stay safe. YouTube Link Recorded June 14, 2023. | |
Archived | Cecilia Aragon, engineering professor, CFI, and US Unlimited Aerobatic Team pilot | Rolling Fear Upside Down with Aerobatics |
Cecilia talks about three ways aerobatics can help anyone overcome fear and become a better pilot—as well as her personal journey from timid child to the World Aerobatic Championships. LINK to Archive HERE
Controllability as Affected by Weight and Balance

Gordon Penner, IAC member, master CFI-Aerobatics and FAA Gold Seal instructor, presents a simple and practical description of how critical flying within weight and center of gravity (CG) range is to controllability of the airplane. He will provide examples of how being out of CG range can put your aircraft out of control.
Missed this webinar? You can watch it in the EAA Archives: LINK
Flying with Broken Flight Controls
Join Gordon Penner, Master CFI-A and FAA Gold Seal Instructor, as he talks about how to handle jammed or broken flight controls and get safely to the ground. Discussion of strategies for flying with jammed or broken flight controls in accordance with Rich Stowell's Emergency Maneuver Training program. Qualifies for FAA WINGS credit.
Missed this webinar? You can watch it in the EAA Archives: LINK
Buying your first aerobatic airplane

Budd Davisson talks about the myriad considerations involved in buying your first aerobatic airplane. His talk ranges from personal aerobatic goals, finances, matching skill levels to potential airplanes and thumbnail pilot reports on the most likely candidate airplanes to be purchased. Much of his presentation will answering questions from listeners.
About Budd: He graduated from Oklahoma University in 1965 with a degree in Aerospace Engineering and in 1968 with an MBA in Marketing and Finances. In the decades since, he has been self-employed as a contracted consultant to a number of aeronautical firms, organizations and publishing companies. He has logged over 7,000 Pitts hours, most being dual given. He has flown over 300 different aircraft types doing pilot reports.
Missed this webinar? You can watch it in the EAA Archives: LINK
Alluring Figures: What the rules say, what aerobatic judges like and what pilots (should) do.

Presenter: DJ Molny
About DJ: He started competing in 1998, progressing from Primary up to Advanced, flying a Pitts S-2B, an Extra 300L, and a Giles G-200. DJ is a long-time National Judge, Judges School instructor, and a member of the IAC Rules Committee and current IAC Judge Program chair.
Missed this webinar? You can watch it in the EAA Archives: LINK
Decision Making and Loss of Control Inflight (LOC-I)
Presenter: Gordon Penner, MCFI-A and FAA Gold Seal Instructor
Gordon will take a big picture look at LOC-I and Decision making. Elements of the talk will include; a discussion of the Takeoff phase, from the beginning of the takeoff roll to the point where a safe return altitude is reached, a look at LOC-I when trying to return to the runway after engine failure, and ways to determine a safe return altitude, risks for LOC-I in the maneuvering, approach, and landing phases and finally botched Go-Arounds. Qualifies for Wings credit.
Missed this webinar? You can watch it in the EAA Archives:LINK
Ultimate Aircraft Buying Guide 2021

Presenter: Scott Sky Smith
Before you buy a light-sport, standard, or experimental aircraft, get prepared! Learn from Scott Sky Smith’s 30 years of experience. Scott Sky Smith has bought and sold 30-plus different aircraft, including a Smith Miniplane, KR2, Pietenpol, Skymaster, Pipers, and Cessna. Sky Smith discusses where the best deals are, what time of year to buy, and how to evaluate the price of your new purchase. Calculate the real cost of ownership and compare it to renting or building an aircraft. He will also be covering pilot requirements, insurance, and what to inspect before you buy.
Missed this webinar? You can watch it in the EAA Archives:LINK
Aerobatic Aircraft Modifications

Tony Horvath from Specialty Aero will talk about how his passion fell into a business doing custom modifications to aerobatic aircraft. Tony develops and installs modifications to aircraft such as: Sean Tucker's Oracle Challenger III, Wyche Coleman's Wolf Pitts Samson II, Peter Kohmann's Pitts S-1T and Pete Diaz's Pitts S-2S. His modification projects have fine-tuned aerobatic aircraft all the way to one hanging in the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum.
Missed this webinar? You can watch it in the EAA Archives: LINK
Rolling Fear, Upside down with Aerobatics

US Unlimited Aerobatic Team pilot, CFI, and engineering professor Cecilia Aragon talks about three ways aerobatics can help anyone overcome fear and become a better pilot—as well as her personal journey from timid child to the World Aerobatic Championships.
Missed this webinar? You can watch it in the EAA Archives : LINK
Have you ever wanted to venture up north to Canada?

Description: So you want to take a trip to Canada but you dont know all you have to do to cross the border to and from. How does customs work? How easy or hard is it all? CFI and Aerobatic Pilot Luke Penner will talk about how easy it is to come on over to his home country.
Missed this webinar? You can watch it in the EAA Archives: LINK
The International Aerobatic Club turns 50 years old and it's a Golden Birthday!

Join Sport Aerobatics Editor Lorrie Penner and panelists on a ride 50 years in the making. Through a panel discussion with Mike Heuer and Debby Rihn Harvey, IAC Hall of Fame inductees and nine-time U.S. National Aerobatic Champion Rob Holland, you will discover how the IAC got its start, and how it has evolved through today. Hear first-hand stories you may have heard of but never knew the details, and a few stories you may have never known.
Missed this webinar? You can watch it in the EAA Archives; LINK
Aerobatic Airplanes made affordable and enjoyable: CO-ownerships and Clubs

IAC Members, Renee Brilhante and Bruce Mamont discuss forming clubs or co-ownership agreements, which can be a great way to fly aerobatic capable aircraft. They discuss tips onthe "how tos" and pitfalls to avoid when setting up an Aerobatic Aircraft Acro-Ownership or Club. Qualifies for FAA WINGS credit.
EAA Archives (EAA login required); LINK
Unusual Attitude Training and Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT): What’s the Difference and Why Does it Matter?
Presenters: Randy Brooks and Norm Dequier.
All pilots must demonstrate recovery from unusual attitudes and stalls during licensing training, and regularly at the professional level. Yet, Loss of Control In-Flight (LOC-I) has been the leading cause of fatalities in every sector of aviation worldwide for several decades. This presentation will discuss what is missing in current pilot training that allows this persistent threat to continue, and why LOC-I will remain the primary cause of aviation fatalities until we change the way we properly prepare pilots for recovery from airplane upset events.
Missed this webinar? You can watch it in the EAA Archives (EAA login required); LINK
Air Shows: Not Just Events, But a Lifestyle!

Curious about the air show life? Join Grant and Brittany Nielsen as they talk about their journey as GN Airshows. Learn about becoming an air show performer and the lifestyle around air shows, air show announcing, and all of the nitty-gritty details.
Missed this webinar? You can watch it in the EAA Archives (EAA login required); LINK
Aerobatics and Airshows: Get your fix.
Brought to you by the National Aeronautic Association and the National Aviation Hall of Fame

Are you sad that 2020 air shows have been cancelled? Do you miss the roar of the engines and the heart stopping thrill of seeing the best pilots in the world do the unimaginable? Greg Principate, National Aeronautic Association, and Amy Spowart, National Aviation Hall of Fame, invite you to join them as they chat with the best in the box and help get your air show fix on!
Webinar panelists - Patty Wagstaff IAC 9010 NAHF Enshrinee/NAA Award Winner/IAC U.S. National Champion and Hall of Fame inductee; Vicky Benzing IAC 431814 Reno Air Race Champion/Airborne Master; Peggy Riedinger IAC 433547 International Aerobatic Judge/IAC Board member; and Julie Clark NAHF candidate/NAA Award Winner/Air Show & Commercial Pilot.
REGISTER to listen to the recording on-demand: HERE
Flying Aerobatics with Norm DeWitt
Norm talks about his aviation journey flying aerobatics, managing the U.S. National Aerobatic Team, and building multiple airplanes.
Watch on EAA Archive LINK
Two Guys, One Airplane, and the 2018 World Advanced Aerobatic Championship

Mike Lents and Aaron McCartan from the 2018 U.S. Advanced Aerobatic Team will talk about their adventures and teamwork while representing the United States in Ploiești, Romania. Learn what it takes to have an aircraft shipped across the ocean, put back together using the metric system, and flying across eastern Europe under really different rules you just would not believe.
EAA Archives (EAA login required); LINK
Understanding Hypoxia in aviation

Hypoxia in aviation is widely recognized as a potential threat, but poorly understood and under-respected by most aviators as a contributor to other accidents. University of North Dakota aerospace physiologist Steve Martin will discuss the facts and fallacies regarding the different types of hypoxia, recognition, causal and influencing factors, and mitigation techniques necessary to avoid this pervasive issue. Qualifies for FAA WINGS credit.
EAA Archives (EAA login required); LINK
Coaches and Camps for Aerobatic Competition

IAC member, and 2018 Advanced National Champion, Johnny Ostmeyer discusses how aerobatic coaches and camps can help your contest flying. He will share tips about how to find aerobatic coaches and camps, and also what to expect from them. Qualifies for FAA WINGS credit.
EAA Archives (EAA login required); LINK
You Just Got Your Pilot Certificate - Now What?

A webinar for the newly minted pleasure pilot. You’ve done all the work to get your pilot rating. Great job! But what comes next? Jim Bourke will provide ideas, help you set goals, and challenge you to grow as an aviator. Avoid getting into a rut and practicing the same skills over and over. Expand your horizons and learn to trust yourself as a pilot by understanding the risks and rewards of flying! New pilot, Marianne Fox joins him to share her experiences. Qualifies for FAA WINGS credit.
EAA Archives (EAA login required); LINK
How to Read and Call an Aerobatic Sequence

Ever wonder how to read all those Aresti squiggles that are used to draw aerobatic sequences? It's not as complicated as it seems. Jim Bourke will explain why these diagrams make perfect sense, what terminology we can use to talk about them, and how to read them out loud with ease. This is a great seminar for the budding aerobatic competitor or enthusiastic volunteer. Qualifies for FAA WINGS credit. EAA Archives (EAA login required); LINK
Behind the Visor - Flying Aerobatics with Jim Bourke
Hear from IAC board member and competition aerobatic pilot Jim Bourke about how he got into aerobatics and how his passion turned into more than just a hobby. Watch on EAA Archive LINK
Basic Aerodynamic Principles Demonstrated in Aerobatics

EAA Archives (EAA login required); LINK
IAC - Where We've Been and Where We're Going!

Join International Aerobatic Club president Robert Armstrong on his look back at IAC activities in 2019, the core purposes of the club and how its programs can benefit every pilot. He will wrap up the forum with IAC's plans in 2020 when they will be celebrating the club's 50th anniversary at EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
Link to Archive HERE
Decathlon Airplanes: Evolution in Fifty Years of Production, by Jody Bradt.

Competition Aerobatics 101, by Susan Bell.
Susan Bell, IAC member and a science communications professional at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, will present a beginner's guide to the sport, no prior knowledge required. We'll dive into the aerobatic competition, including the Aresti language, basic rules and concepts, and the aerobatic box, then learn how to get involved with IAC, whether you're interested in flying inverted or not.
How to Prepare for an "Unknown" Aerobatic Sequence, by Jim Bourke.

In aerobatic competition there are five categories; Primary, Sportsman, Intermediate, Advanced and Unlimited. In the upper difficulty categories such as Intermediate, Advanced and Unlimited, competitors fly a published Known sequence, a freestyle they have created to suit their airplane and skills and a third sequence which is called, "the Unknown". Jim will discuss the preparation need for a pilot to adjust their practice in order to fly a sequence that they have never flown before.LINK to Archive HERE
Your First Aerobatic Plane
What Will You Do for an Engine Failure on Takeoff?

Master CFI-Aerobatic Gordon Penner reviews decision making and planning to mitigate a possible engine failure on takeoff, from throttle up to a safe return altitude, including 'The Improbable Turn.' "Webinar Archive Link: Click Here
Removing Winter Rust and Spin Avoidance
RV Aerobatics
Ron Schreck discusses everything from flying aerobatics for air shows, to competition or just for fun. How to equip your RV for aerobatics, maneuver basics, safety and more. Ron is the IAC Director in the South Central Region, an IAC judge and competed in Intermediate in his RV-8, "Miss Izzy".
Webinar Archive Link: CLICK HERE
U.S. Unlimited Aerobatic Team

Jim Bourke talks about his experience rising through the ranks to become a U.S. Unlimited Aerobatic Team member. Jim discusses aerobatic competitions from the regional to the world level and highlights all the latest from the U.S. Unlimited Team. Webinar Archive Link: Click Here
Freestyle Aerobatics
Jim Bourke discusses his approach to freestyle aerobatic competition, provides tips for team aspirants, and breaks down his award-winning freestyle routine. Webinar Archive Link: Click Here
Your SA Bubble: Understanding Your Flight Envelope

Aerobatic instructor pilot Billy Werth discusses getting back to the basics of how your wings work.
His presentation will explore the flight envelope and how it relates to aerobatic and non-aerobatic flying.
Webinar Archive Link: Click here
Emergency Bailout for Pilots and Survival Equipment

Allen Silver is an FAA Master Parachute Rigger and former FAA Designated Rigger Examiner who will be talking about how to use a parachute in an emergency bailout and some survival equipment pilots can use. Do you have a plan if you have an emergency? Do you have the right parachute fit for you? Once you decided to bail out of your aircraft do you know what to do next? These are some of the questions that will be answereduring this webinar. You may download handout material from Mr. Silver's website at to use during and after the presentation. The webinar outline is also attached here.
October 2020 Bailout Webinar Handout.pdf
EAA Archives (EAA login required); LINK
Basic Recreational Aerobatics

How to do safe, gentle aerobatics whether your aircraft has an inverted fuel/oil system or not. Webinar with Gordon Penner, MCFI-A. EAA webinar Archives: Click here
Avoiding the Base to Final Turn Accident
Gordon Penner, master CFI-aerobatics and FAA Gold Seal instructor, presents simple and clear explanations of the elements leading up to a base to final stall/spin accident. This webinar highlights how to recognize and stop these elements, and discusses the true nature of stalls and spins that most pilots have not been taught. Webinar Archive Link: Click Here
How to get your own Aerobatic Practice Area (APA)

Listen in as Darren Pleasance discusses the necessary steps to apply for an APA or contest waiver. Darren is the IAC's Government Relations Representative for the US Western Region.
EAA Webinar Archives: Click here
“Upset Prevention & Recovery Training: All-Attitude Flying Goes Mainstream”

Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I), has become the greatest cause of fatal accident in all classes of aviation. Randy Brooks discusses Upset Prevention and Recovery Training. Listen in to hear how the world of aviation in general and Sport Aerobatics in particular could be changed by future requirements for all Commercial Pilots to experience more comprehensive training in three-dimensional flight.
Webinar Archive Link: Click here
Aerobatics - Getting Started

Three-time U.S. National Aerobatic Champion Patty Wagstaff discusses a wide variety of topics including finding an instructor, aerobatic capable airplanes, various disciplines within aerobatics, challenges, and a variety of aerobatic maneuvers.
Webinar Archive Link: Click here
Competition Aerobatics - Moving up from Sportsman to Intermediate
Weston Liu helps guide you in determining when to move up from the Sportsman to Intermediate aerobatic competition category. Tips on evaluating competency will be presented and how to assess your preparedness.
Aerobatic Skills Assessment: HERE
Webinar Archive Link: Click here.
Maneuvering Safely - Avoiding Loss of Control
Gordon Penner talks about how the flight controls really work, practical turn knowledge, coordination and coordination exercises, and Stall/Spin avoidance.
Webinar Archive Link: Click here
Don't Let Fear Stall Your Flying

Join Chelsea Stein Engberg as she explains that many pilots have an underlying fear of stalls, spins and loss of control. Come learn more about stalls, spins and the psychology of loss of control accidents and how these issues can be counteracted.
Webinar Archive link: Click here
Stick and Rudder Exercises to Improve Your Flying
Jim Taylor shares some exercises that the average pilot can do to improve flying skills, how practicing coordinated & uncoordinated flight can make you a better pilot. Dutch rolls skidded flat turns, etc, when practiced, will improve your flying.
Webinar Archive Link: Click here
Aircraft Control in Spins
Ben Freelove gives a detailed look at how control inputs affect spin characteristics. The real science behind the aerodynamics of autorotation.
Webinar Archive Link: Click here
12 Myths about Stalls and Spins- Letting the Facts Fly
Rich Stowell dispels a “dirty dozen” common myths that unfortunately continue to be perpetuated during flight training. Do slow speeds really lead to stalling? Are slips really as dangerous as skids? Get the facts on these and more!
Webinar Archive Link: Click here
Airspace and Communication Essentials

Presenter: Don Weaver, COO and Chief Pilot, Optimal Aircraft. How not to get hurt, not violate regs and not be that pain to talk to. Webinar Archive Link: Click here
First Flight

Presenter: Johnny White. Maintenance information on your homebuilt, plus advice, recommendations and precautions for preparing for the first flight in your home built aircraft.
Webinar Archive Link: Click here