This page contains member resources for organizing and competing in an IAC Sanctioned Regional aerobatic competition.
For Competitors and Organizers:
- IAC Contest Rule Book - Know the rules to operate. Know the rules to win.
- Aerobatic Contest Checklist - Be sure you have everything you'll need before leaving home.
- Contest Sequences - Search for current sequences as well as archived sequences back to 1995. You can also search for past competitors' Free Styles and Unknown sequences from previous contests.
- Downloadable Contest Forms - HERE
- Exemption for VFR fuel minimums and aircraft flight manual - HERE
- Competitor and Volunteer Pre-registration system -Visit the Contest Listing page and register by selecting the blue Register button next to the contest you want to register for.
- Flying between Canada and the United States - Understand the differences, similarities, and protocols when flying internationally to/from the United States and Canada.
- Sanctioning FAQ - Assistance on when to apply for a sanction for Contest Directors.
For Contest Organizers:
- Contest Sanction Application - The first official step in setting up a contest and posting to the contest calendar.
- EAA Certificate of Insurance Event Form - Must be submitted for every chapter event, including contests.
- Contest Organizer Guidelines - Instructions needed by the Key Volunteers such as the Contest Director, Registrar, Volunteer Coordinator, including the "Contest Director Packet".
- Scoring software - Download the JaSPer computer software for scoring an aerobatic contest.
- Approved Judges List - Current list of qualified judges.
- Contest paperwork requirements - SEND THESE IN TO IAC HQ