***PRE-REGISTRATION CLOSED*** Just show up and register on-sight. PLEASE, if you are flying a category with a Free Sequence, submit it to IAC58Contest@gmail.com.
Chapter 58 is hosting the Wildwoods Acroblast! a little later in the season for 2019 where we hope to find the weather more agreeable than last year. The Acroblast! is unique in that there is plenty for your "support crew" (family) to do when they aren't watching you tear up the box. Amusement Parks. Water Parks. Great dining. The Shore! It's all here.
If you are flying Intermediate or above (or if you wish to fly a Free in Sportsman), please submit a copy of your Free to IAC58Contest@gmail.com. Practice slot registration using Doodle at https://doodle.com/poll/2xhavec6bpmbm7f4
Note that the banquet and a polo shirt are included in the contest fee. Extras of either are available for selection below.