Yooper Looper

  • Reg. Closed

This will be the first ever Yooper Looper, the T-shirt will be a collector's item. We had to cancel last year but we are ready for this season. 

We're not as far away as some may think, see the "Distance to Contest" picture below as well as the "Lower Harbor" picture.  It's a beautiful area to fly.

Our community is also ready with free hangar, discounted fuel, ground transportation, extremely supportive tower and airport management, amazing Boreal FBO support, media coverage, and more.

For our Canadian friends, although SAW is named "International" there is no Customs available, please don't let that deter you.


Labor Day weekend has made it tough but we secured a deal with Quality Inn, less than a 10 mile straight shot to the airport.  The rate is $167 (two queens) , not cheap but an excellent rate for a holiday weekend in the beautiful north country.  This link will take you to a reservation page https://qualitymqt.com/YBE.  Plug in the date and it will take you to a Yooper Looper option.  Or, call them directly at 855-213-3013.  They have a 24 hour cancelation policy.  No pressure but these rooms are going extremely fast.

Some have considered camping or cabins.  There are numerous locations in the area, Google search or contact me for suggestions.  We have also secured a location on the airport to park RVs but without electric/water hookup.

Last, and maybe the best, we have several local families that have volunteered to "home host" and provide transportation.  Most are aviation related families and would enjoy hearing your aerobatic stories.  Let us know if you would like to experience some Yooper hospitality.

Ple​ase put us on your calendar and preregister. Preregistration would help eliminate some of IAC-134's first contest jitters and allow us to plan.

Airport ID
Airport Name
Sawyer International Airport
Contest Director
Contact Info

<p>Contact Roger at (bentlage@tds.net) or 906-250-3231 cell/text with questions or suggestions. &nbsp;<br />
Suggestions are welcome, this is our first contest.</p>

Registration Dates
Contest Dates
Rule Deviations
No boundary judges or sighting devices.
Email Unknowns to
Power Primary
Power Sportsman
Power Intermediate
Power Advanced
Power Unlimited
Contest Fees:
Host Chapter