Contest Fee First Time Competitor $90. All Entry fees include hangar fee for 2 nights and 1 banquet ticket. Payment by cash or check. ATMs in town. Official contest hotel: Holiday Inn Express, 3959 Traxler Court, Bay City, MI 48706, phone 989-667-3800 - ask for "IAC Chapter 88 Block". Negotiated Cost: $119.99 + tax for double queen standard, $114.99 + tax for king standard. Reservations received after June 16 will be accepted on a space and rate availability basis.
Competitors need to bring copies of FREE program: Sportsman 8 "A" + 30 "B" & "C", all other categories 8 "A" + 15 "B" & "C".
<p>Dan Unger,, 586-675-6030 Hugo Ritzenthaler,, 586-588-0145, Chapter 88 website:</p>