88th Sebring Aerobatic Contest!! The box markers are back up and in great shape! Come and fly in one of the best marked boxes in the country!
Practice day will be April 24th, followed by the contest on the 25th and 26th, rain/wx day on the 27th.
A Welcome Dinner will be provided on the 24th after the practice day, lunches provided on the contest days, and the banquet is included in the registration fee... spouses/kids/friends, etc., can be added for $40/person. We will have some cool items to raffle and auction off at the banquet!
Call the SEVENS Hotel to book directly. $115/night for the IAC 23 rate.
Rental cars can be booked directly with an Enterprise member number directly with the Sebring Airport FBO at 863-655-6455.
BE THERE!! Can't wait to see you all... contact me if you have any questions.
Mike Cappiello