Government Relations

When you belong to the International Aerobatic Club, you have government representatives working for you with many federal agencies, including the FAA, to help shape future policies and support you in your daily efforts to enjoy aerobatics.

The guidelines and process that the FSDO will follow for evaluating your APA or aerobatic contest box application are published in the Dynamic Regulatory System (DRS) at See details on the Aerobatic Waivers webpage.

When you send the application to your local FSDO, make a note of the date. Keep a call log for each time you call the FSDO to follow up (if needed) on the progress of the waiver. Note the date, time and person you spoke with as well as the outcome of the call. The waiver application process should take no more than 30 days.

If you are having trouble establishing a box or renewing an existing waiver (due to noise complaints for instance), please contact IAC's Government Relations team.

For more details on the role of the Government Relations committee please refer to P&P 209.