In case you missed it, or you don't have a social media account, below are the social media posts with links for the #IAC_FlyingFriday posts;
December 16, 2022

“I first flew unusual attitudes in 1976 with Bill Hershner,” said Stan Moye. “I liked the challenge of aerobatics. The reward when you meet that challenge, learning new skills, the discipline and thew reward when you improve.”
Enjoy this video with Stan who will encourage you to get into aerobatics. “You can do it,” he said. “The IAC has a lot of people that will encourage you, help you and give you pointers.”
Enjoy this YouTube video:
November 11, 2022

Charlie Sikes, IAC 437399 started flying competition in the southeast region in 2014 in the Sportsman category flying Gary Ward’s Giles G-202. “It is important to have a mentor and access and support of the IAC members when you first get started in aerobatics,” said Charlie.
He flew a 1971 Aviat Pitts S2-A for a bit in Sportsman. The airplane is now used by Middle Georgia State University. Charlie and other IAC chapter 3 members are mentoring students at the college. “It is very rewarding to be in a position where I was once mentored myself and now am able to pay it forward.”
Enjoy this YouTube video:
October 11, 2022

"Advice I'd give a new person just starting out; right away find a coach, "said Corey. "You need a mentor to critique you to make sure you are not just flopping around out there. Because when you go, it's all about precision and if you didn't have someone critiquing you and telling you how to do things properly, you're never going to progress".
Enjoy this YouTube video:
September 9, 2022

Ed Haywood has a fantastic time and gets his start at his first contest at Sebring, Florida. (April 2022)
“People really treated me great.” Ed gives a special thanks to Contest Director Bob Stark. “He’s been very welcoming and very friendly to new pilots, who are at their first competition, to help walk them through the contest. He understands it can be a particularly intimidating part of getting into the sport.”
"My favorite part of the contest is the flying!"
Enjoy this YouTube Video:
August 12, 2022

Ben entered his first contest in Sebring, Florida in March 2022 flying his Vans RV-4. He flew against two other competitors who flew a Decathlon and a Super Decathlon. Finishing with two second place and one third place, he landed on top to finish first place overall.
Enjoy this YouTube Video:
JULY 15, 2022

“IAC gives you the information you need to do aerobatics, the safe information,” said Don Hartmann IAC 20476 has been a member since 1993.
Don is practicing for the U.S. National Aerobatics Championships in October and will be declaring for the USA Advanced Aerobatic Team. The team will compete at the World Advanced Aerobatic Championships (WAAC) in October 2023 in Jean, Nevada.
Enjoy this YouTube video:
#IAC_FlyingFriday #aerobatics #pilotlife #avgeek #aviationvideo #aviationlife #IAC_GetYourStart
JUNE 24, 2022

#IAC_FlyingFriday Ken Kopp, IAC 435954, shares his experience at his first contest in April 2022 at Sebring 83 in Florida. He flew his Pitts S-2C in the Sportsman category. Ken placed second in the Free program. A great start and he had a blast! Enjoy this YouTube video ›
#IAC_FlyingFriday #aerobatics #pilotlife #avgeek #aviationvideo #aviationlife #IAC_GetYourStart
October 29, 2021

#IAC_FlyingFriday : Gunnar Jeannette IAC 441292 “Kick start your day with some fresh Vitamin G!”
@extraaircraft @mt_propeller @gopro @garetbloodworth #pilot #pilotlife #pilotsofinstagram #extra #aerobatics #avgeek #EAA #aerobaticflight
October 22, 2021

October 15, 2021

Tommy Suell IAC 438121 is giving some time to getting his Christen Eagle back up in the Las Vegas blue sky in this Facebook video.
#IAC_GetYour Start #IAC_FlyingFriday #aerobatics #pilotlife #avgeek #aviationvideo #aviationlife #IAC777
October 8, 2021

Join Josh @josh_invertedaviation getting back to the basics in a Super Decathlon in this Instagram video.
October 1, 2021

Joe McMurray @flight_mcmurray is practicing for Borrego in this Instagram video. Here’s a 45 degree up line followed by 1.5 spin stop on heading pause vertical > half Cuban eight.
Fly Often & Fly Safe.
@Liftaviationusa @methodsevenpilot @americanchampionaircraft @flycoolshit @eaa @flywithaopa @flysqkr @mpaviationdotcom @mcmurrayblanca #liftaviationusa #flycoolshit #aerobatics #superdecathlon #mcmurrayaerosafetytraining #IAC_chaptercontest #IAC_GetYourStart
August 13, 2021
#IAC_FlyingFriday | Jared Sebesta IAC 435805. He's, "Just having some stupid fun give a ride in the new Extra." Jared is the owner and one of the instructors at The Bunker, a flight school committed to advanced flight training in tailwheel, aerobatic, warbird, jet and experimental aircraft, in Sugar Grove, IL. . Enjoy this instagram video: #extra330 #aerobatics #torqueroll #instagramaviation #flightinstructorlife

August 6, 2021
#IAC_FlyingFriday | Ryan Tierney, IAC 441264, puts the MSU Super Decathlon through its paces on the 2021 Sportsman Known sequence on this Instagram video: #IAC_chaptercontest #IAC_getyourstart #SuperDecathlon #aerobatics #aviation #EAA #avgeek #msuaerobatics

July 16, 2021
#IAC_FlyingFriday : Chris Murley IAC 435695 in his modified Acrosport II flying the 2021 IAC Intermediate sequence.
July 9, 2021
#IAC_FlyingFriday : Jim Bourke IAC 434151 reviews a flight by Rory Moore IAC 9078. Rory is flying a 330LX through the 2019 IAC Unlimited Known Sequence.

July 2, 2021
#IAC_FlyingFriday Justin Bethune IAC 440532 practicing the Sportsman figures over and over and over again until it's effortless.

June 18, 2021
#IAC_FlyingFriday David Prather IAC 436526 flying his Intermediate freestyle at the U.S. National Aerobatic Championships in 2018 at Oshkosh, Wisconsin. The flight was successful in clinching him a third place Bronze flight medal.
Enjoy this Instgram video @davessn763 or at this link:
Pre-registration is OPEN for the 2021 Nationals at:

#aerobatics #aerobaticflight
#aviation #avgeek #EAA
June 11, 2021
#IAC_FlyingFriday Jim Bourke critiques Brazilian pilot Guilherme Censoni IAC 436065 who was working on his 2019 CIVA Advanced Free Known sequence at the time. Guilherme is flying a homebuilt Laser monoplane.
See this YouTube video here:

June 4, 2021
May 28, 2021

I had a good thing going until the tail slide fell the wrong way! Lots of little things to point out, many refinements underway. But it's great to be back at this!
YouTube Video HERE
May 21, 2021

Travis Pauly IAC#441665 says, "Conquering a fear and learning a new skill. Ever since I started my training I was nervous doing stalls because of the dreaded spin. I heard how easy they were to get into and how they could be deadly if you didn't know how (or didn't have the space) to get out. I read up on spin recovery, but never having done one in my training, I didn't know if I had what it took to properly recover.
I flew for years being nervous when I would practice stalls. I wouldn't look outside, I would be locked on the slip indicator ball to ensure my stalls would break straight. Even when I started doing mild aerobatics, I was still afraid of spins. I could hold a plan e inverted for a minute, but I had never done a spin because I let fear get in the way.
So the other day, I told myself I had to get over it; I NEEDED to know how to safely recover from a spin. I read the same books and watched the same videos I had before just to refresh, and I took off. On the same flight as my first spin I did so many I figured out how to stop them on a desired heading, which is what you see in the video. Now I love spins, and I'm a more experienced, safer pilot. All because I faced my fear, and learned a new skill."
#tailwheel #spin #spins #stall #skybolt #aerobatics #conqueryourfears #flight #airplane #biplane #biplanes #aviation #aviators #aviationlovers #aviationlife #aircraft #flying #pilot
May 7, 2021
Acro Critique Video #8 This is John Housley flying his Pitts S2C through the 2019 IAC Advanced Known sequence. John is the president of IAC chapter 61. Great flying, John!

April 23, 2021
#IAC_FlyingFriday Thomas Braymer IAC 436286 flies ending figures in this FB video from the 2018 Advanced Known sequence flown during the EARLY BIRD contest in Edna, TX. Photo by Mark Braymer. #IAC_chaptercontest #IAC_GetYourStart

April 9, 2021
#IAC_FlyingFriday : Brittanee Lincoln IAC 440740, IAC Achievemnt Award Program co-chair, gets her morning serving of Vitamin G in this Facebook Video. #vitaming #girlpilot #mxaircraft #aerobatics #flylikeagirl #aerobaticflight
Follow Britt on FB @brittanee.lincolnaubock and Instragram @brittlincolnaerobatics

April 2, 2021

March 26, 2021
Jim Bourke's Acro Critique Video number 6! Let's take a look at Dave Farley IAC 438112 flying his 2019 CIVA Advanced Free Known sequence in his Cap 231EX. Dave is from the UK and wants to become more competitive in Advanced. #IAC_GetYourStart #IAC_FlyingFriday #Cap231 #aerobatic #aerobaticflying #Avgeek #aviation #BritishAerobatics #EAA

Friday, March 19, 2021
#IAC_FlyingFriday Check out this cool Instagram video by Forrest Fox IAC435003, #flatoutamerica - it is a preview of a documentary on motor sports, "A Nation Addicted to Speed - Flatout America".
Includes members of the current U.S. Advanced Aerobatic Team! @aguayoaerosports @oilcandon @adam_messenheimer @usaadvancedaerobaticteam
#aerobatics #avgeek #flatoutamerica #motorsports #racing #aviation #speed #needforspeed #horsepower #avgeek #instagramaviation #gt #racecar #pilotlife #aerobaticflight

Friday, March 12, 2021
#azsoaring #glideraerobatics #aerobatics #IAC_GetYourStart #IAC_USNationals #pattywagstaff #extra300 #superdecathlon #EAA #avgeek #aviation

Friday, March 5, 2021
#IAC_FlyingFriday with Julia Harrington IAC 432640. Enjoy Julia’s journey into aerobatics. Digging in with Patty Wagstaff to get consistent and fly sequences. "2021 – getting ready to get into competition!" @pilotjulia
At minute 12:21 Julia says "So, how does one get started in aerobatics?" Check out her answer.
@pattyaerobatics #IAC_GetYourStart #IAC_chaptercontest #EAA #aerobaticflight #aerobatics #Extra300 #aerobaticpilot #girlpilot #womeninaviation #flylikeagirl #staugustine #superdecathlon

Friday, February 26, 2021
#IAC_FlyingFriday : Alexander Coats IAC440488 "This never gets old." Alexander enjoying experimenting in the air in this Instagram video. #aerobatics #christeneagle #flying #taildragger #gopro #IAC_GetYourStart #avgeek #EAA #aerobaticflight

Friday, February 19, 2021
#IAC_FlyingFriday "Wooooo hoooo!! It’s Friday !! Let’s go flying!" @flight_mcmurray's Joe McMurray IAC 441329 out of Gilroy, CA enjoying his Super Decathlon. @americanchampionaircraft @flysqkr #whyifly #IAC_GetYourStart #IAC_chaptercontest

Friday, February 12, 2021

Friday, February 5, 2021
#IAC_Flying Friday : Join Luca Perazzolli IAC 439540 in the golden hour for a one quarter cloverleaf in his RV8 over Trento, Northern Italy. His RV8 took him about five years and 2000 hours of building and was completed in 2010.

Friday, January 29, 2021
#IAC_FlyingFriday Hunter Nedin IAC 432780 Instagram video @hunter_av8 having some fun flying the IAC 2021 Intermediate Known. #aerobatics #avgeek #aviation #AZflying #christeneagle
Hunter (@hunter_av8) • Instagram photos and videos

Friday, January 22, 2021
#IAC_FlyingFriday Instagram video with Jeff Petrocelli IAC 433466 U.S. Advanced Team Captain dreaming of warmer days.... He has been practicing for WAAC 2021 which takes place in July in the Czech Republic. Go Team USA! . Jeffrey “Petro” Petrocelli (@jeffpetrocelli) • Instagram photos and videos

Friday, January 15, 2021
#IAC_FlyingFriday YouTube Acro Critique Series by Jim Bourke IAC434151. Acro Critique 4: Dave Prather. Learn Jim's aerobatic technique by watching along as he dissects flight video. Dave is flying his Staudacher S600 through the 2019 IAC Advanced Known sequence.
#iac_hq #aerobatics #Staudacher #avgeek

Friday, January 8, 2021
#IAC_FlyingFriday Anthony Oshinuga IAC 435544 message for the day, "Keep pushing and persevering towards your dreams because they are just around the corner!" Instagram @anthonyoshinuga
#areobatics #airplane #fly #aviation #avgeek #Purpose #Passion #Preparation #Motivation

Friday, January 1, 2021
Chuck Dignan IAC439903 got his @gopro workin’. Flying his Skybolt and tightening up that avalanche. Video @chuckd.jr
#IAC_FlyingFriday #iac_hq #rainbowrider #chuckdjr #skybolt #n56jd #pilotlife #aviation #nflightcam #aerobatics #gopro #eaa #iac12

Friday, December 25, 2020
Susan Bell IAC 438132 playing with ideas for a new Free in the lovely, cool weather in Apple Valley. Video @susanbellair #IAC_FlyingFriday #extra300 #aerobatics #iac_hq #aviation #aviationlover #aviationgeek #avgeek #inverted #aviatrix #girlswhofly

Friday, December 18, 2020
Luke Penner IAC 437639 video on "Why I Fly". check it out! @harvsairinverted. #Aerobatics #Extra300 #avgeek #harvsairflighttrraining

Friday, December 11, 2020
YouTube Acro Critique Series by Jim Bourke IAC434151. Acro Critique 3: Victor Yancovitz. Jim critiques the flying of Victor, who is from Brazil and flies Advanced in his Extra 300 midwing. Link to videos/photos in Profile. #IAC_FlyingFriday #Aerobatics #Extra300

Friday, December 4, 2020
Melanie Astles, IAC does a little winter training in this 360 video. Instagram LINK