In the Loop - Gone West Doug Partl

The IAC is sad to share the news of a good friend and prolific IAC member who passed away after a battle with cancer in August 2024. Doug Partl, IAC 17987, became an IAC member in 1991.

Doug was a former IAC Chapter 1 president, aerobatic instructor, and mentor to countless pilots learning to fly aerobatics.

He was self-taught in the Pitts S-1, which was also his first tailwheel airplane, but he said he could not have done it without his mentor Ray Luttrell, IAC 824, watching his every move. “He critiqued me and offered valuable advice not only on my flying but also in rigging and maintenance items.” 

Doug flew his Pitts S-2B in the Mid-America Region. His last recorded contest was at the 2010 Hoosier Hoedown flying in the Intermediate category. Doug not only competed around the region, he was also a judge and served as a contest director on many occasions.

In the early 2000s, Doug joined the Safety (aka Technical) Committee. He also earned his Primary through Intermediate smooth and stars IAC Achievement Awards.

He will be missed by many for his generous spirit in sharing his love of aviation and aerobatics.