Int the Loop - Tech Tips G and your back

By Wes Liu, IAC 10467

DID YOU PULL +7G on your last flight?  How does your back feel? Are you used to shaking off some back pain during or after a hard competition flight? We often blame the aging process, but in fact, most of the problem may be your seat and parachute.

First, a little anatomy. The spine is generally composed of 33 bones. In the model pictured, there are seven vertebrae in the cervical (upper) region, 12 in the thoracic (middle, orange) region, five in the lumbar (pink) region, five in the sacral region (not visible behind the white pelvis), and four in the coccygeal region (also not visible). In between the vertebrae are the disks. Disks are flexible shock absorbers that allow us to bend and twist.

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