Chapters Overview

Precision aerobatics is carried into communities throughout the world by the members of over 30 IAC chapters in the U.S. and abroad. To find one near you,  

Chapters vary in size and events and are led by a group of elected officers.  Not all members are competition pilots, some are private pilots and some are simply aerobatic enthusiasts and that's what brings us all together.  Members meet at least once a month formally as a chapter or informally at airport gatherings to share their friendship and knowledge and to organize activities such as regional aerobatic contests, competition practice days, aerobatic instructional seminars, and social gatherings. 

Every IAC member is invited and encouraged to become part of their local IAC Chapter.  You do not have to be an aerobatic pilot to enjoy the benefits of belonging to a Chapter.  Your fellow Chapter members can be a great support group extending their knowledge of aerobatics to assist general aviation pilots in understanding how to become a safer pilot, how to handle emergency flight situations and unusual aircraft attitudes.  In addition, many friends of aviation and aerobatic enthusiasts are needed to help organize Chapter activities and are extremely valuable as support staff at the regional contests.

As a division of the EAA, assistance is available to all IAC members from the EAA Chapter Office in helping you join your local IAC Chapter or in organizing an IAC Chapter in your area.

Your regional IAC Board Director can also assist you with questions about chapters in your region.