IAC Judge Examinations

You should have a current copy of Aresti catalog and the IAC Official Contest Rules on hand when taking one of these exams. IAC Policy & Procedure 214 lists the requirements to become a Grading Judge, Senior Grading Judge, Chief Judge, and for maintaining currency.

Which Exam to Take?

Working towards certification as a Grading Judge?  Take the Grading Judge exam.

Are you already a certified IAC judge?  Each year, before serving as an aerobatic Judge at a contest, previously certified Judges must pass the Revalidation and Currency (R&C) Exam. Successfully accomplishing this exam is one of the requirements to be named on the IAC Official List of Judges (see IAC Policy & Procedure 214 for additional requirements).

Taking an exam - The exams can be started and the questions viewed online using the Next, Leave Blank, and Back buttons that are presented below each question.  You can also leave the exam after viewing the questions and videos and come back later.  Individuals who prefer to prepare their answers offline and then enter them after reviewing the rulebook can make use of this feature.  When a session is left and returned to, answers are not saved.  The exam answers are not final and a score is not calculated until the last question's  Finish button is clicked on.


Revalidation and Currency (R&C) Exams

Certification Exams

Knowledge Quizzes