Kathy Jaffe Volunteer Award


​This award was donated in the memory of Kathleen Jaffe. Her spirit and enthusiasm for aerobatics and the aerobatic community were truly remarkable. She was president of IAC Chapter 52, contest director, newsletter editor, and contributor to Sport Aerobatics magazine. Kathy also gave lectures to everyone from aviation-related groups to schoolchildren on the joy of flying and especially aerobatics. She was also a competition pilot. She died in 1999.

Purpose of the award is to recognize an outstanding volunteer during the prior calendar year. General guidelines are that this person is one who consistently, unselfishly and eagerly accepts more responsibilities than he or she can handle, meets these responsibilities with tireless effort, efficiency and a smile, and who places the needs of others above his or her own, making the sport of aerobatics more enjoyable for everyone.


The Awards Administration Chairman will solicit nominations from the general membership using the following communication channels, letters to IAC Chapters, an article in Sport Aerobatics and via the Internet. The Awards Chairman will collect nominations submitted by individuals and/or IAC Chapters. The nominations are presented to the IAC Board of Directors for voting. The winner is selected by secret balloting of the Board. A plaque, recognizing the annual award winner, is ordered by the Executive Director.

The Master trophy and the annual recipient trophies will be funded by the Kathy Jaffe Memorial Fund. The recipient trophy will consist of a plaque with the individual's name engraved on it. The Master trophy will be on display at the IAC pavilion in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. It will be engraved with each annual recipient's name. The recipient plaque is presented at the IAC Annual Gathering Dinner at EAA Air Venture.


1999 - Ray and Lois Rose
2000 - Ann Salcedo
2001 - Joanne Johnson
2002 - Maryilnn Holland
2003 – Hal Raish
2004 – Bob Buckley
2005 – Julia Wood
2006 – Gary Mack
2007 – Phil Schacht
2008 – Randy Owens
2009 – Ann Salcedo
2010 – Liza Weaver
2011 -  Lorrie Penner
2012 - Gary DeBaun
2013 - DJ Molny
2014 - Lynn Bowes
2015 - Tom Adams
2016 - Bob Hart
2017 - Alice Johnson
2018 - Cleta Sweeney
2019 - Teri Branstitre
2020 -------
2021 - Fred & Liza Weaver
2022 - Bryan Jones
2023 - Mary Beth Rudd