Member Sam Burgess of San Antonio, Texas conceived the idea for presenting a trophy to the outstanding aerobatic judge each year. He provided the permanent trophy to recognize the outstanding achievements made to competition aerobatics by the judges.
The Award is given annually for outstanding performance as an aerobatic judge during the prior calendar year. General guidelines, though not requirements, for the award include National Judgeship and having judged a minimum of three contests, one of which should have been the U. S. Nationals.
Nominees are sought each spring by the Awards Administration Chairman from the Chapters and general membership. Balloting of the IAC Board of Directors occurs after the close of nominations.
The award is presented at the IAC Annual Gathering Dinner at EAA Air Venture following the contest year for which it is presented. The recipient receives a plaque and the master trophy remains on display in the IAC Pavilion in Oshkosh.
2003 – Michael Steveson 2004 – Jim Klick 2005 – Alan Geringer 2006 – Tom Adams 2007 – Lynne Stoltenberg 2008 – Doug Lovell 2009 – Not Awarded 2010 – Tom Adams 2011 - Doug Sowder 2012 - John Morrissey 2013 - Mike Forney 2014 - Bill Denton 2015 - Peggy Riedinger 2016 - Marty Flournoy 2017 - Michael Gallaway 2018 - Steve Johnson 2019 - DJ Molny 2020 --------- 2021 - Jeff Granger 2022 - Laurie Ramirez 2023 - Jerry Riedinger |
Note: The date is the year the award was achieved. The trophy is actually presented in the following year. |