Click on any of the section titles below to view their content.
[collapsed title=Bulletins]
[collapsed title=Contest Jury]
Don't hesitate to approach a Jury member with questions or issues; they're at the contest to make sure that the rules are applied properly, that the contest runs smoothly, and to solve problems, great and small. To that end, please talk with a Jury member before filing a protest!
Should you need a Jury member at the contest but can't find one, call the Jury Chairman. Find a list of jury members on this site's Officials page.
[collapsed title=Free Program]
Please bring 10 A forms and 20 each of your B and C forms of your Freestyle to submit at Registration.
In addition, the contest staff is requesting pilots to also submit Frees in Adobe PDF format, as are generated by OpenAero. Email to Bob Buckley at
Your Form A must include the Super Family number with each figure. Note: Super Family numbers are automatically determined and printed by selecting the appropriate options when printing your forms in either the OpenAero.
[collapsed title=Fuel Form]
[collapsed title=Late Arrivals and Missed Briefings]
A competitor arriving late but in time to register, be tech inspected and briefed, and ready to fly before the completion of his or her category's Known Program will be permitted entry per rule the Late Arrival section of the 2023 IAC Official Rule Book.
All other late arrivals will be permitted entry unless all category flight programs are completed.
A competitor arriving after his or her category's Known Program is complete may be required to fly that Known Program, regardless of whether the late arrival was beyond the competitor's control.
A special briefing fee of $50 will apply to any competitor who misses the first general briefing, or any Flight Program briefing on the day of the flight. The Contest Jury has the right to waive penalties if missing roll call was due to circumstances beyond the competitor’s control.
A competitor may withdraw from the championship if they withdraw prior to the beginning of the first competition flight in their category and their entry fee will be refunded less PayPal fees.
[collapsed title=Important Documents]
[collapsed title=Rules]
The 2023 IAC Official Contest Rules are supplemented by Section 500 of the IAC Policy & Procedures Manual. In the event of a conflict, the P&P takes precedence.
[collapsed title=Scoring]
The JaSPer Scoring program will be used at the 2023 Nationals per Policy & Procedure Section 222. IAC National Judges who are qualified for FAI Aerobatic Championships (World and Continental) will have their scores loaded into the appropriate CIVA software which will produce the judging analysis reports they need to submit to CIVA and to retain their international qualifications.
[collapsed title=U.S. Aerobatic Team Aspirants]
If you aspire to a position on the U.S. Unlimited Aerobatic Team:
Before the contest begins, you must declare as a team aspirant and read, sign and return the Code of Conduct and Declaration/Pilot Agreements. Flying for the team will not be permitted until these documents are signed and returned to the Nationals Registration office. These documents are available for download at the bottom of this page in P&P 505.
- Each team aspirant must be eligible to hold an FAI Sporting License issued by the National Aeronautic Association. However, you need not hold a Sporting License at the Nationals.
[collapsed title=Free Unknown Programs for Advanced and Unlimited Power Categories]
Advanced and Unlimited Competitors in the Power Category should come prepared to submit Free Unknown figures in accordance with the rules provided in IAC P&P 503.
Submission of Free Unknowns sequences to the Contest Jury requires submission with Open Aero computer files.
[collapsed title=Cancellation Policy]
Competitors who preregister and pay via PayPal but withdraw before the beginning of the first competition flight of their category will receive a full refund minus the PayPal fees.
[collapsed title=4-Minute Free]
A USB thumb drive containing your music in mp3 format is required. Drive should be empty except for your music file which will be named YOURNAME.mps.
Provide a short bio which will be read to spectators.
Smoke oil is available at no cost to 4-Minute Free competitors.
[collapsed title=Non-U.S. Citizen Trophies and medals]
Non-U.S. Citizens competing at Nationals are eligible to receive the following awards:
- Category flight medals for first, second and third place. Awarded in power and glider to all categories and any nationality
- Old Buzzard Award - top scoring competitor who is 65 years or older of any category or nationality
- Chapter Trophy - awarded to the chapter who's top three members achieve the highest average score, regardless of category or nationality
- The Goodrich Trophy is awarded to the highest placing non-U.S. citizen by order of category beginning with the Unlimited category and progressing downward to Sportsman.