It is with much heartache and regret that I inform you that Margo Chase lost her life late yesterday afternoon in an accident at Apple Valley, California. She was practicing an Unlimited sequence in her Panzl at the time. We do not know the cause and will not speculate out of respect.
Margo was one of the most skilled, talented, and dedicated people I have ever met in my life. Though I first met her a few years at a Board meeting, over the last three years we worked very closely on IAC projects and my admiration for her only grew. She was bright, intelligent, and simply fun to be with. She thoroughly enjoyed flying, our sport, and our history, traditions, and people. We are devastated by this news.
My heart goes out to Patrick Dugan, her husband, and Tim Just, who were both there in Apple Valley with her; and her many friends, family, and colleagues. When we lose good friends like this, life is never quite the same as it leaves a hole in your heart that is always there.
I am sorry to bear this sad news and as we begin AirVenture shortly, we will be surrounded and overwhelmed by memories of Margo, as so much of what we have in the pavilion were her creations.
Mike Heuer, IAC President
July 23, 2017 - 12:37 PM CDT