IAC Collegiate Program Chairman, Jordan Ashley, would like to congratulate and thank all participants in the 2017 competition. Results from the 2017 IAC Collegiate Competition are calculated for both team and individual categories.
The top performing teams are as follows:
1. Metropolitan State University of Denver (84.92%)
2. University of North Dakota (83.62%)
3. United States Air Force Academy (82.25%)

First Place Team - Metropolitan State University of Denver

Second Place Team - University of North Dakota

Third Place Team - United States Air Force Academy
The top performing individuals are as follows:
1. Sam Robinson, MSU (82.01%)
2. Jarod Hulse, MSU (80.07%)
3. Alex Tally, UND (78.32%)

First Place Individual, Sam Robinson, MSU

Second Place Individual, Zarod Hulse, MSU

Third Place Individual, Alex Tally, UND
For a complete listing of competition results, visit https://www.iac.org/collegiate-series-results