On a special meeting telephone conference, Tuesday, April 10, 2018 the IAC board of directors appointed Doug Bartlett, IAC 431228, as the new IAC vice president (VP) to fill out the remainder of Robert Armstrong's term, which runs until July 2019. The VP vacancy was created when Robert was appointed to fill the IAC president position when Mike Heuer submitted his resignation at the IAC board of directors meeting on March 17, 2018 as previously planned.
Doug has been a member of the IAC since 2003. At the local level his IAC activities were in support of IAC chapter 1 in Illinois serving as a contest director, and chapter president. At the national level he has served on the government relations committee, on the executive committee, as treasurer (2006-2009) and as IAC President (2009-2012).
In 2007, Doug served as the contest director for the U.S.. National Aerobatic Championships and has been a national judge. In competition, he worked his way through Sportsman to Unlimited until 2011. When his duties as IAC president ended in 2012, he decided to enjoy his retirement and spend more time engaged in fishing and boating. He couldn't stay away from volunteer work for long though, doing a stint as dock master and president of his local marina association, serving as a director for his condominium association and in most recent years volunteering in support of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, Flotilla 070-09-05 on San Marco Island.
While visiting his daughter in 2015, he had an opportunity to fly the glaciers in the Southern Alps of New Zealand. This reignited his passion for flying. He returned to being an active pilot in 2017 and visited Nationals in Oshkosh. He also repurchased his old Sukhoi 29 and became an active IAC member again. Welcome back to IAC Doug and thank you for your volunteer service!

Doug Bartlett with his SU-29.