To our IAC members,
The IAC Board of Directors met by teleconference on Friday, 10 July 2020, to discuss the 2020 U.S. National Aerobatic Championships scheduled to be held in Salina, Kansas, 20-24 September 2020.
After much research, debate, and discussion with City of Salina officials and EAA leadership, the IAC Board of Directors has determined that it will be in the best interest of the safety of all who attend our U.S. Nationals that our premier event is cancelled for 2020.
We regret having this decision to make and believe that with safety as our focus in all matters of our sport, to continue without knowing what mid-September will bring in terms of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic would be irresponsible. The “go/no go” date was moved ahead because we believe that IAC members deserve to know as early as possible so that they can make other plans with family, business, and school.
As much as anyone, IAC leaders don’t like being forced to make the decision to cancel by situations out of our control. With the daily and weekly uptick changes nationwide and Kansas’ own infection figures from the coronavirus, there was no question that this is the right move for IAC, the City of Salina, and you. Kansas’ requiring a 14-day quarantine of visitors from other high-risk states figured heavily into our decision with many of our pilots and volunteers coming from Florida, Arizona, New York, and others affected.
We realize that this decision will be met with frustration but we firmly believe that this is the responsible thing to do. With the support of EAA leadership behind us, we know that this is the right decision and with our members’ continued support, we look forward to 2021 and years of competition and friendship beyond.
Best to all,
Robert Armstrong, President
and your IAC Board of Directors