As previously announced in our Sport Aerobatics magazine and In the Loop e-newsletter, the International Aerobatic Club (IAC) annual meeting will be held at Spring City Aviation at Timmerman Airport (KMWC), 9305 W. Appleton Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53225, starting at 2 p.m. CDT on Saturday, August 1, 2020.
We have room for no more than eight people in-person in addition to the officers of the IAC. However, you will be able to attend virtually if you desire. This strictly informational meeting is intended to fulfill the legal requirements of the state of Wisconsin. No business will be conducted at this meeting. The 2020 IAC newly and relected officers and directors assume their offices at the end of this meeting.
An email invitation was sent out to all current IAC members through the EAA e-blast system today. If you did not receive the email with the meeting access code and are a current IAC member interested in attending this Annual Meeting through your computer, pad or smart phone, you may contact:

Steve Kurtzahn, IAC Executive Director
Office Phone: 920-426-6574