1990 Bob Herendeen
Hall of Fame’90

David Gustafson, Sport Aerobatics, from 8 February, 1991
On December 1 IAC President Steve Morris presided over the induction ceremonies for the International Aerobatic Hall of Fame. Everything went smoothly and the setting (The Riviera Hotel in Las Vegas) seemed ideal for the ceremonies.
For 1990, the program was shifted from a stand-alone event at the EAA Aviation Museum to being part of the annual convention of the International Council of Airshows (ICAS). Since Lincoln Beachey, Bob Herndeen, Carlie Hillard and Art Scholl have all been active in the airshow industry, everyone present could relate to the people who were honored and the response was enthusiastic.
This year, for the first time, the inductee’s names were kept secret up to the last minute. Bob Herendeen and his wife were there, Charlie Hillard and his wife were present and Judy Scholl was at the banquet to present the annual Art Scholl Award. The element of surprise was undoubtedly a factor in the emotional response of Bob, Charlie and Judy. In Bob’s and Charlie’s cases, the wives were let in on the secret to assure attendance. We knew Judy Scholl would be there to present the annual Art Scholl Award.
Since some of the ICAS members didn’t even know there is an Aerobatic Hall of Fame, Steve explained that the Hall is housed in the EAA Aviation Museum…anyone can nominate someone who has made a significant contribution to the field of aerobatics.
Herendeen, Hillard and Scholl received standing ovations when their names were called and the applause was long, warm and enthusiastic.
Here’s what Steve said about each of the four men who were honored and added to the International Aereobatics Hall of Fame:
Bob Herendeen

Bob Herendeen made his love of aerobatics known when he looped and spun an aircraft during his first solo flight at the age of 16. His first aerobatic aircraft was a Piper Cub, previously owned by Frank Price and Duane Cole. Soon thereafter, Bob purchased a Pitts Special and became the first person to use the Pitts in a World Aerobatic Championship in 1966. That same year, he captured the first of two trophies as US National Aerobatic Champion. Bob flew in the world arena again in 1968 and 1970.
But for an engine failure in 1970, he probably would have become World Champion. Along with Charlie Hillard and Gene Soucy, Bob became part of the first US Aerobatic Team to win a Team Trophy, The Nesterov Cup, at the World Aerobatic Championships in 1970. In 1980, Bob was the USA’s Chief Delegate to the World Aerobatics Championships and in 1982 be was an International Jury member. Bob also served as a judge at numerous US competitions and became a distinguished performer on the airshow circuit.