Policy and Procedure Manual

The purpose of the IAC Policy and Procedures Manual is to outline all of the management policies and procedures for those who have a leadership and/or administrative role in the International Aerobatic Club.        

Some of the subject areas are matters of policy established by the IAC's Board of Directors; others are procedures implemented by its executive officers; yet other areas are administrative methods established by the headquarters staff of the Experimental Aircraft Association, IAC's parent organization. All come together here for easy reference, future expansion, and for a thorough understanding of how this organization functions.        

The authority to make any policy changes stated in this manual rests with the IAC Board of Directors.        

P&P 000-100 - Board Procedures

P&P 200 - Committees and Programs

P&P 300 - Agreements

P&P 400 - Leadership and Staff

P&P 500 - Championships and Teams

P&P 600 - Publications