The purpose of the IAC Policy and Procedures Manual is to outline all of the management policies and procedures for those who have a leadership and/or administrative role in the International Aerobatic Club.
Some of the subject areas are matters of policy established by the IAC's Board of Directors; others are procedures implemented by its executive officers; yet other areas are administrative methods established by the headquarters staff of the Experimental Aircraft Association, IAC's parent organization. All come together here for easy reference, future expansion, and for a thorough understanding of how this organization functions.
The authority to make any policy changes stated in this manual rests with the IAC Board of Directors.
P&P 000-100 - Board Procedures
- PP 050 - Board Meeting Policies
- PP 100 - Code of Conduct
- PP 101 - IAC Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws
- PP 101a - IAC Restated Articles of Incorporation
- PP 101b - IAC By-Laws
P&P 200 - Committees and Programs
- PP 200 - Appointment Removal-Committee Chairs
- PP 201 - Achievement Awards Program
- PP 203 - Awards Administration Program
- PP 204 - Chapter Relations Program
- PP 205 - CIVA Relations Program
- PP 206 - Contest Sanctioning Program
- PP 207 - Finance Program
- PP 208 - Glider Aerobatic Program
- PP 209 - Government Relations Program
- PP 210 - Hall of Fame Program
- PP 211 - IAC Historian
- PP 213 - Insurance Programs
- PP 214 - Judges Program
- PP 215 - IAC Legal Counsel
- PP 217 - NAA Relations
- PP 218 - Nominations and Elections
- PP 221 - Rule Program
- PP 222 - Scoring Program
- PP 223 - Safety Program
- PP 225 - Collegiate Program
- PP 226 - Regional Championship Series
- PP 227 - Nationals Point Series
- PP 229 - Sequence Committee
P&P 300 - Agreements
- PP 301 - Letters of Agreement
- PP 301a - NAA - IAC Letter of Agreement
- PP 301b - EAA - IAC Letter of Agreement
P&P 400 - Leadership and Staff
- PP 401 - Executive Officers and Committee
- PP 402 - IAC Headquarters Staff
- PP 402a - Executive Director
- PP 402b - IAC Editor
- PP 404 - Emeritus Awards
P&P 500 - Championships and Teams
- PP 501 - IAC Championships
- PP 503 - US National Aerobatic Championships
- PP 504 - Selection of U.S. Aerobatic Teams
- PP 505 - Team Management
- PP 506 - Contest Juries at IAC Championships