Pilots competing in all U.S. National Championships power and glider categories – Sportsman through Unlimited – are eligible to win these awards:
Special Medallions
Gold, silver and bronze medallions are awarded to first, second, and third place winners of each flight program of each category.
U.S. National Aerobatic Championships Category Winners
First place winners of each category since 1968. details
Bob Schnuerle Trophy
Presented to the winner of the Four Minute Free Program at the U. S. National Aerobatic Championships annually. The trophy was conceived and donated by Mrs. Florence Schnuerle, Bob's mother. Bob was a pilot on the 1970 U. S. Aerobatic Team, coached the Team in 1972, and lost his life in an accident in a Pitts Special in September 1973, practicing for the U. S. Nationals. He was extremely popular with his fellow pilots. One of his favorite programs was the Four Minute Free. details
Old Buzzard Award
Presented to the top scoring competitor who is 65 years or older and completed all flights in any category. details
Chapter Trophy
Awarded the Chapter whose top three (3) members, regardless of category, achieve the highest average score, in terms of percentage of points possible. details