Competitors flying powered aircraft are eligible to win these awards at the U.S. National Aerobatic Championships:

Mike Murphy Cup
This trophy is awarded to the Winner of the power Unlimited category at the U.S. National Aerobatic Championships who then becomes the reigning U. S. National Aerobatic Champion. The Mike Murphy Cup was conceived and donated by Mike Murphy of Ohio. Mr. Murphy was an aerobatic pioneer and a leader in international aerobatics for many years. The trophy is given each year to the U. S. National Aerobatic Champion as he wished to honor that pilot. details

Betty Skelton Trophy
Presented to the top-placing woman in the power Unlimited category at the U. S. National Aerobatic Championships. The trophy was conceived and donated by Mrs.Betty Skelton Frankman, Former Feminine International Aerobatic Champion and pilot of the famous Pitts "Little Stinker". Her aircraft is in the collection of the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC. Betty helped popularize this superb aerobatic aircraft. details

The Goodrich Trophy
The trophy was conceived and donated by B.F. Goodrich Aerospace in 1996. The trophy was first awarded in 1997. The trophy is presented to the highest scoring power Unlimited non-U.S. citizen at the U.S. National Aerobatic Championships. details

MT Propeller Trophy
Gerd Muehlbauer, IAC member and owner of MT Propeller Entwicklung GmbH conceived the idea for presenting a trophy to the winner of the power Advanced category at the U.S. National Aerobatic Championships. details

The Fred Leidig Trophy
Conceived and donated by Robert Wagstaff of Anchorage, Alaska and presented on behalf of the Souther Arizona Aerobatic Club, IAC Chapter 62. Since Fred Leidig was a former IAC Intermediate Champion, this trophy is presented to the winner of the Intermediate pwoer category at the U.S. National Aeroabatic Championships. details.

Giles Henderson Trophy
Presented to the winner of the power Sportsman category at the U.S. National Aerobatic Championships. Conceived by Mike Heuer and funded by donations from friends and IAC members in memory of Giles Henderson , IAC Hall of Fame member. details