Guidelines for IAC Contest Directors
Congratulations on being selected as an IAC Contest Director (CD)! The IAC sanctioned aerobatic contests held all over the United States are highly dependent upon people like you. People who have volunteered to devote many hours of time to insure safe and well run events for the hundreds of IAC competitors who enter these events each year. Your duties are many and varied. Most of these are described in Chapter 1 of the IAC "Official Contest Rules" book (IAC Rule Book). Make sure you have the most up-to-date copy of this publication so your work is in accordance with what is set down as IAC policy.
The Contest Director Guide will discuss more about the job of the CD beyond what is set down in the IAC Rule Book. We will expand on policies and practices in this guide and other Key Volunteer guides linked below to help you and those who are running a sanctioned IAC contest for the very first time.
Remember, IAC Headquarters is ready and available to help you in any way possible with paperwork or advice.
IAC, P. O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086
Telephone: (920) 426-6574 FAX: (920) 426-6579 Email:
Complete IAC Contest Directors Packet - Downloadable Guides and Forms - HERE