Scoring Director Guide

Setting up  *  Supplies * Entering Scores * Print and Display

* Final Scores * Post Contest Tasks

The Scoring Director is responsible to the Chief Judge and the Contest Director for:

  1. Ensuring the current version of the scoring system is being used.

  2. Understanding and adhering to all instructions and notices supplied by IAC concerning the scoring software.

  3. Prompt and accurate computations of all scores of competition flights.

  4. Accurate recording in the IAC Scoring System of all Chief Judges, Chief Assistant Judges, Grading Judges, and Grading Assistant Judges for each program of each category for the contest.

It is important that the Scoring Director is someone who will be present for the duration of the contest. You don't have to be chained to your computer, but should be aware of the progress of the contest and be onsite to enter scores as they become available from the judging line. A good Scoring Director will be patient, have the ability to think critically and act precisely as well as have some familiarity with Windows.

The IAC JaSPer Contest Scoring Software must be used in all IAC sanctioned competitions. The latest version of JaSPer can be downloaded in the IAC “members only” section of the IAC website at:

The JaSPer Users Guide can also be downloaded from the above webpage by clicking on the JaSPer Users Guide lnk. A copy can also be found in the Contest Director’s CD Packet along with some interactive pdf forms and Excel spreadsheets that you may find useful during the registration process.


You should download the scoring software prior to arrival at the contest site on a laptop that operates on a Windows environment. It is recommended that you wait until the week before the contest to ensure you have the most current version. This can be important, not only for getting the current version, but also because the IAC membership is tied to the program and new members numbers may be added right up until the contest.


During the registration process the Registrar will deliver the competitors' official entry forms for pilot profile setup into the scoring system. For those competitors with Freestyle sequences you will also receive that paperwork from Registration in order to enter the K factors into the scoring system.

The Volunteer Coordinator will deliver the Volunteer Log for each flight and category so that you are able to enter the Judges and their assistants into the scoring system.

*NOTE: you cannot enter any scores into the system until you have entered the Judges and their assistants.

As the contest is underway and the completed scoresheets are delivered to the scorer it is important that scores be entered accurately. When scores are being entered the Scorer should chose a location that is away from main gathering areas to ensure some privacy. Competitors are not allowed to work or visit in the scoring room.


In addition to a laptop computer for score entry, a simple personal size printer will be used to print out the individual competitors score sheets and the current standings for each flight and category. This printer should be a printer dedicated only to scoring and separate from the printer being used by registration.

Additionally you should have the following on hand;

     1 ream of white printer paper

     stapler / extra staples

     pen or marker


     manilla folders

     extra printer ink


Although it is a matter of personal preference it is recommended that the scoring director choose to use an assistant to read scores for them while they enter the scores in the computer. It is a good way to double check accuracy of the entries.


Score sheets:

A copy of the print out of the judges scores for each competitor should be stapled on the top of all of their “A” forms along with the Chief Judge penalty sheet. These packets should be set out in an accessible area for the competitors to review. Many scoring coordinators use manilla envelopes labeled with the competitor category to keep them from being mixed with other categories. This makes it easy for the competitors to identify their scoring packets. The packets may be removed by the competitor after the protest period has ended.


A copy of the standings from each flight and category should be kept with the Scorer as part of the official contest records.

A copy of the standings should be posted at the completion of scoring of each flight and category in a central location viewable by all participants. Typically located within proximity to the competitors score packets.


When all flights have been completed, the final standings should be communicated to the CD. It is helpful to make a copy of the final standings along with the verification of scores to determine the Grassroots winner and the First Time Sportsman (if being presented). You may be asked to assist the CD or the Registrar in organizing the awards for presentation at the banquet.


Complete instructions on how to electronically send your contest results to IAC HQ can be found in the JaSPer Users Guide. A link to the Users guide can be found on the IAC website:

For quick reference, the Scoring Chairman should complete the following three items (with an optional fourth item) at the end of the contest.

1) Under the wrap-up tab in the IAC Scoring Program, Choose “Submit Results Online” to send your contest results to the web.
2) Under the wrap-up tab in the IAC Scoring Program,choose “Zip up Results for Emailing” and email to IAC HQ.
3) Send paper copies of the official results signed by the CD and Chief Judge to IAC HQ.
4) Optional: If you want to post the results to your Chapter’s website or to an email list, you can choose “Export Results to File.”

Also, please coordinate with the Contest Director, the Registrar and the Volunteer Coordinator to ensure that paper copies of the following items are also submitted to IAC HQ.

  • Protest Forms. If protests were filed, a copy of each protest along with the outcome must accompany the results.

  • Changed Unknowns. If an unknown was changed, a copy of the new unknown and reason for modification must be sent.

  • Grass Roots Award sign-up sheet. A copy of the Grass Roots Trophy sign up sheet (with the winner marked) must be sent to IAC Headquarters.

  • Collegiate Award sign-up sheets. A copy of each Collegiate Award sign-up sheet must be sent to HQ. These sign-up sheets are recorded at IAC Headquarters to determine the winners of the Collegiate Awards.