Flying Farmer Flies into Wyoming Aviation Hall of Fame
Cap City News
by Greg Hirst
CASPER, Wyo. — Burns farmer Richard Bastian is the 2024 inductee into the Wyoming Aviation Hall of Fame, with the WAHF recognizing Bastian for a 50-year-plus career in aviation mechanics, restoration and acrobatics.
Bastian’s experience led him to join the crew of the U.S. Aerobatics Team. In 1978, he was the team mechanic at the World Aerobatic Championships in Czechoslovakia. In 1980, he was the team mechanic and technical advisor for the world championships held in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
READ MORE> https://capcity.news/community/2024/09/27/burns-farmer-flies-into-wyoming-aviation-hall-of-fame/
Rich Bastian Clips from Sport Aerobatics